CALL US AT (757) 774-7040 - Serving Hampton Roads and areas of Northeast,NC
CALL US AT (757) 774-7040 - Serving Hampton Roads and areas of Northeast,NC
Reconnecting lost pets with their families :
With the huge network on FB... what a good way to help find and reunite lost pets!! This page serves North Carolina and Virginia. At over 25 k strong we are able to assist 100's of pets get reunited each year.
This page has grown and the demand for medical assistance and helping rescues and shelters network dogs and cats in our local shelters have also become a demand.
This page is a hodgepodge of help for those animals in need whether lost, Found, injured, ill, or on death row... It is the power of our large community that allows us to get word out quickly, and band together to support one another when a pet is lost or in crisis.
Gina Highfield Emergency Fund- NOW
Paws In Need LLC:
This is a fund that was started, by Gina Highfield at Acredale Hospital, to assist in providing emergency and life saving treatment for pets in crisis when their family has financial hardship and has otherwise not been able to secure funds. Thanks to the on going support and generosity of guardian angels in our community. YOU have helped save many lives and keep pets with their families. We hope to broaden the reach and scope of the fund ..... stay tuned for exciting new developments.
Jade's parents reached out to us when they learned Jade possibly had a blockage from eating a corncob. She had emergency surgery at Acredale Animal Hospital, and is home recovering nicely.
Please click on the link to see her story and her miraculous journey to being healthy and strong. Living the life of a princess :)
Coco's owner saved her from her original owner a few months ago. Coco was severely underweight and intervened before she ended up at shelter. She was scheduled for a low cost spay surgery, and ended up with Pyometra. She was saved and received surgery, but ended up with another infection post operation. Our fund assisted in Coco becoming healthy and vibrant, as a 2 yr old dog should be.
Local site with 25,000 members. We aide in helping reunite lost & found pets, urgent animals in shelters needing rescued or adopted, medical funding, and donation drives for local rescues in Hampton Roads.
Tiny was able to receive emergency surgery after being diagnosed with pyometra. Pyometra is a condition of the uterus when it becomes severely infected and is usually fatal if not treated quickly. Thanks to the generosity of the community and an outpouring of support. Tiny's medical expenses were covered.
These are just a few of the fur babies we were able to help. More stories to follow.......check back in soon!!!
~Gina Highfield
This little lady had an accidental pregnancy.. She had to be rushed to Acredale Animal Hospital, where our fund is managed.. She had one baby stuck, unfortunately he passed, but momma and two baby boys were saved..
Mocha and her brother were saved from a bad situation. Current owner has only had them for a 2 weeks, and Mocha tested positive for Parvo. She is currently fighting for her life at Acredale..Funds can be donated to The Highfield Emergency Fund at 757-523-6100. Her situation is critical over the next 24-48 hrs and she is receiving 24 hr care.
UPDATE: Mocha was released to her family and had the most heartwarming reunion with her siblings- furred and human. She is doing well and slowly gaining weight.
Skye's mom reached out to us. She let her pup out in the yard to do her usual business. Skye came back to the door and a huge gaping hole in her leg.. She ran past the air unit and hit the screw and it ripped her leg open. Her care was covered through the fund, and she is healing nicely.. Staples will come out next weekend..
Scooby has been an amazing companion and source of comfort and strength to his mom. Mom has been battling several autoimmune disorders which have put the family into financial hardship. Scooby's dad was researching options after several weeks of heart wrenching decline in Scooby's health and had all but given up when looking at costs online. Gina persisted in making contact with this family and offered to talk about resources and options. She was brought to tears on the phone after talking to Mom and was resolved to help in any way she could. After making a plea online and the incredible generosity of the community- Scooby was helped across the rainbow bridge at Acredale Hospital within hours of the first post. The cost of the euthanasia, private cremation , urn and paw print were provided at no cost to the family, so that they could concentrate on healing.... Thank You to you ALL! You are truly incredible
" This is Wicca. She was 16 years old and an indoor cat her entire life. She some how got a huge laceration on her front arm. She had to go under to have it cleaned and stitched up. If not for the help from Gina I would not have been able to get her the help she needed." Ceeg G.
"This is my sweet boy Posiedon. Just a couple days ago we had to rush to the vet because he got bit by another dog and split his ear in two. Due to some financial issues, we were unable to cover the deposit to get the surgery started so I reached out and was fortunate enough to receive some help through the fund along with two wonderful people who were kind enough to donate to us to get him seen. Thank you for all your help!!!" Jordan K.
"Biggie Smalls used to like to eat things he shouldn’t! After some vomiting and lethargy he was misdiagnosed & sent home from the vet. 2 days later we were at Acredale with a very sick pup & an obvious obstruction. Biggie required surgery and a couple days of recovery at the clinic. This group donated over $1000 to saving our sweet squishy face boy." Joy D.
"This is Percy. I was taking Percy in to be euthanized because I couldn’t afford any more test to figure out what was wrong with him. He wasn’t eating, lethargic, and had lost so much weight. You helped me to have an ultrasound for one last effort and they found the problem! He has intestinal cancer and they gave him 4-6 months to live. That was 17 months ago and he is still going strong with just changing his food. Thank you for helping save my baby and having so much extra time with him!" Lisa R.
"This is LiL Gurl & she was knocking on death's door when a friend recommended I send Gina a message. I had no idea this group of animal loving ppl existed. Gina suggested I take her to Acredale & there it was discovered she had pyrometra. Gina took her personal time to come to the vet office & lend support to my family -something we will never forget- and while there she rallied the troops and pulled together money I didn't have to save LiL Gurl's life. We are FURever grateful for Gina and everyone in this group." Jennifer O.
"This is Jasper, he was one of the unlucky kitties & Urinary blockage/ crystals. No one would help & we almost had to put him down, But a friend recommended Gina H for assistance. When we got there they immediately tried to help him & thanks to the emergency fund, he got the help he needed after a long journey of vets clinics that wouldn't help out or even tell us what was the issue. He's only 3 & I almost lost him, but Acredale really came through." Anthony M.
"Crash had been bitten by a poisonous snake in the backyard. His neck had become swollen with puss and he stopped eating. I took him to the vet but could only afford the medicine for him and not the procedure. He needed to drain the puss out and insert a drainage tube for his first procedure. The second was to cut away the dead skin that started to rot off his neck. Gina had helped cover his first and second procedure and thankfully saved his life! I am forever grateful!" Shyla R.
"Max was my best friend an my support once I returned from Afghanistan and I lost him a year ago. I lost him to antifreeze I really love this group cause once Gina put the word out on what was going on there was so much love an support poured out for Max and I. An even though we was not able to save Max the support keep coming in the form of a puppy name Onyx I’m so thankful for everyone especially Gina cause she was there ever mom with me." Earl P.
" This is Chanel my 6 year old baby. After being misdiagnosed and under treatment Chanel’s health continued to deteriorate. Low on funds I was referred to the lost and found pets Facebook page to seek help for what wast turning into anemergency situation. It was with Gina’s help that we were able to discover that she had a infection within the uterus and was in need of emergency surgery to save her life. Without The help of this wonderful group my baby would not have survived more than 24hrs. I am happy to report that Chanel is now back to her normal happy Healthy self (minus a few parts)." Emma B.
"This is my senior Jayd. She is 12 years old. She has dozens of fatty lumps that riddle her body, but thankfully they haven’t caused any health issues. One Sunday morning at 6 in the morning Jayd woke me up staggering all over the room, banging into furniture,falling down, whimpering, eyes wide and darting left to right. I thought she was having a stroke and scared I was losing her. I took her Acredale to and she immediately went back to triage. It was determined Jayd had a sudden onset of Vestibular Disease ( old dog syndrome) It was very early in the morning and a weekend but Gina was there for me immediately and paid part of my bill from the emergency fund to ease the burden and stress from our family. Jayd had a long recovery with lots of love and physical support but she is still here with us and I couldn’t be more appreciative or thankful for our members aka FurFamily 💕" Shari W.
"Alexus, ripped her claw off, and it had to be removed right away to avoid infection & she had to be placed of antibiotics & pain meds and have it removed, bill was unexpected was covered with no hesitation. ❤️" Samantha R.
"Davey are something he shouldn't have and was in a terribly serious state. Gina came through on letting Davey get admitted and the surgery he needed. thanks to this group, he is alive and so much better!"
Becky B.
" Meet Berkley ( Formly GHOST- as she would disappear quickly after sightings through a series of escape trails). Berkley (named after the area she frequented was fostered and nursed back to health and then adopted by an incredible family. This group donated to the medical care she needed, helped organize searches, and allowed the community to finally trap her after 2.5 years. Thank you AGAIN!!" Marsha S.
"My friend's senior girl, Lady, was diabetic. At the end, my friend was on disability and had nofunds to help Lady cross the Rainbow Bridge. I contacted Gina and funds were donated to help Lady cross over and be cremated. I'll always be grateful." Pamela B.
After Mika's family exhausted all finances for several emergency trips for urethral blockage, they were faced with having to consider a surgery they could not afford at over 2000$ or euthanasia. The community banded together to raise enough funds to cover his surgery on Christmas Eve of 2018
Honey's family reached out for assistance. After being denied care credit they were in a bind as they watched their sweet bulldog shaking and lethargic with no idea how to help. The fund allowed Honey to be seen pre Christmas Eve and she was sent home with pain meds for a possible cervical muscle neck strain.
Proudly LOCAL and military-spouse owned . Copyright © 2018-2022 Angel Pets - In Home Hospice and Euthanasia (757) 774-7040
- All Rights Reserved.
Serving Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Hampton, Newport News, Suffolk, Yorktown, James County, Moyock,currituck , and surrounding areas.