CALL US AT (757) 774-7040 - Serving Hampton Roads and areas of Northeast,NC
CALL US AT (757) 774-7040 - Serving Hampton Roads and areas of Northeast,NC
Memorials will be posted to the website within 24 hours or less.
Sweet Gracee, You are the reason I am here today. You made my life have meaning in the darkest of places. You showed me unconditional love and were with me through the most important times of my life. I will never forget you and I will always love you. Thank you for your time here and your love for me. You are my best friend.
Sasha was a part of our lives for over 15 1/2 years and she crossed the rainbow bridge wrapped in her family's arms on July 27, 2024. Sasha was loved by 4 cats and predeceased by several bunnies. There are none who met Sasha who didn't fall in love with her. She was such a happy girl and her only wish was to spend time with us and the other fuzzy members of household. Even in her later years she barked and jumped to greet us and spent her evenings snuggled with her favorite people. While grateful for every minute we were lucky enough to spend with her, it would have never been enough. Saying goodbye to her was one of the hardest things we ever had to do. Rest well my sweet girl until we meet again. We love you!
Hooper crossed the rainbow bridge on May 19th, after a special weekend filled with all his favorite things. He beat the odds several times in his life, but it was time for him to be called home so that he could run in lush fields endlessly and swim in the coolest of springs. The bond we had with him was intuitive, cosmic even. He was so expressive; you could look into his big brown eyes and know just what he wanted. He used it to his advantage of course, many beef sticks, cheese slices, and short-lived PetSmart toys were proof of that. He led the way on our daily walks, choosing his own route every time. We felt like we were in a sitcom, “Everyone Loves Hooper”, with every new place we went. Beaches, mountains, breweries, drive-thrus, patios, and daycare were his kingdoms. Anywhere that he could meet a friend, even if it was at the vet, was a treat. He was so full of love for a world that loved him right back in return. It was such a gift to communicate that way, especially after his diagnosis. He had so much energy and spirit, despite the tumor and adversity facing him. It was this continued positivity and zeal that helped us make the tough decision to remove his rear leg, in the hopes that it would give him a fighting chance. He took that chance and literally ran with it, making a beautiful recovery and enjoying life for another 1.5 years. He held that positivity and strength right up to his very last day, looking up to the sky as if to tell us that it was all okay. Four and a half years is not enough time, but neither is 100. We can however hold on to the memories of salty beach kisses, home from work tailwags, epic fetch leaps, quiet morning snuggles, and cheerful road trips forever. Hooper was a beautiful, once in a lifetime kind of friend. A rare comet, shooting across the night sky – brilliant, dazzling, and fleeting. Forever thankful to him for making all our dreams come true. Rest easy among the stars, buddy.
A Glimpse into God’s Eyes: I am reminded of the poem made popular by Paul Harvey, entitled “So, God made a Dog.” As the Bible tells us, God created all of mankind in his image and likeness, so all humans are by definition “God-like.” However, whereas we humans all suffer from shortcomings to some degree, when God endeavored to create his most perfect of all creatures, he “made a dog”. God created dogs to be the perfect manifestation of unconditional love and absolute loyalty, with no inclination whatsoever towards bias or preference, since dogs love all they encounter with equal affection and enthusiasm. Dogs revel in the desire to meet new humans, and to endow optimum joy and affection to all whom they encounter. And, like God, dogs are all-knowing, perceptive and positively enactive of the needs of humans at all times. As such, they are the perfect companions, and absolutely deserving of the title, “Man’s Best Friend”. However, a dog has one definitive short-coming; for a dog comes into our lives, captivates us completely with unwavering love and devotion, but then leaves us far too soon, thus exposing us to significant sadness, and the deprivation of all their positive attributes. Just as the Son of God was sent down from the Heavenly Realm to teach humans how to live our earthly existence full of love and devotion, God provides us with a dog to remind us of the heavenly attributes which we so often seem to forget, i.e., unconditional love and unquestioned loyalty. Accordingly, dogs serve us as a living example of all which we humans should actively strive, but all-too-rarely achieve. I have had the privilege of living with three great dogs during my lifetime, and all 3 consistently exhibited those God-like attributes without exception. All of them won my heart immediately and made my life more full and loving. All of them surely had their own eccentricities and unique personality traits, but their wholehearted love and loyalty were omnipresent; life was purely and simply better in their presence. And, the heartache and despondency that we felt with their passing has always been the same. But, happily, the blessings they bestowed upon us with their presence, and all the loving memories they provided us, have all persevered. We lost our German Shepherd, Sophie, just 4 weeks ago, and the pain of our recent loss continues. But the highly positive, memorable attributes of our life with her thankfully continue as well. For not only did she share her unconditional love with us, but she could never pass up the opportunity to run up to complete strangers and to immediately earn their affection as well. As a result, our circle of friends in our neighborhood has grown exponentially, just as God intended. Thankfully, I have finally come to understand why God blessed us with her presence; I have begun to comprehend that when I looked deeply into her loving and compassionate eyes, that I was being given the opportunity to look into God’s eyes, and to understand without question how we humans should be living our lives as well.
As many of you know, while blessed with longevity, Hannah had several health issues which in recent weeks became increasingly debilitating and uncomfortable for her.
Hannah was my best friend. My confident, my loyal protector. The one who loved me the most unconditionally. For all the joy & devotion she brought into my life she deserved a dignifed, respectful and loving end.
Hannah was gently laid to rest this morning, March 4th in her favorite room, in the house she loved and in my arms.
Upon reflection, I am convinced that Hannah's wonderful longevity was based on the simple fact that she was surrounded by profound love. From the adoration of her Grandparents, vet support and care from her Uncle, treats from her Aunties, to neighbors and friends who opened their homes and hearts to us both. From Uncle Biscuits Magical Treat Garage to Hannah's Riverview canine "crew"- including her many handsome boyfriends of indiscriminate breeds, life for Hannah was a constant bounty of kindness and love.
Thank you all. We were blessed indeed.
Thank you to Pet Angels of Hampton Roads, Jenna and the incredible Dr Valerie who held my hand so I could hold Hannah's. The dignity and love you gave my girl was beyond adequate words to express.
Dr Brian Kim and the staff at Chesapeake Animal Hospital for the expert care and compassion afforded to us both.
And to Dr Joseph Deme, Mineola Animal Hospital L.I, N.Y who started this journey with the Banana and I. There's no doubt in my mind that it was Doc Deme's initial care that added years to her longevity.
In closing let me share that Hannah was my 3rd shelter rescue. This is a well traveled road for me. I am thoroughly at peace with my decision. However, I am struggling with the deafening silence and the loss of this beautiful and loving soul which made this house a home.
I ask for your patience and understanding if I do not answer the phone or the door. Quite honestly, I find myself incapable of conversation. I will cherish the comments left here on behalf of my beautiful girl and her grieving Momma.
Hannah. My beautiful, precious, precious girl. My Banana. My heart. Casey and Samantha are waiting to greet you. Stay with them and run wild and free until we meet again.
I love you precious girl. ❤️🐕xoxo
PS: Leave the squirrels alone.
Molly Belle became a member of our family from a Craigslist add at 4 months old. I saw her face and instantly knew she was meant to be ours. She was sweet natured and loved all other animals. She never met a person she didn’t like. She was quick to get a lick in if you weren’t careful. She loved the beach, going on long walks, dog parks, car rides, playing with her sister Maisy and her brother Ranger. She definitely let me know when it was walk time for her and her fur siblings. She ran the pack and knew a treat was coming at the end of the walk which was always her favorite. Molly was smart and silly but also very sensitive. She seemed very human at times. She came in to our family when my husband was doing multiple deployments with the Military. I don’t think I mentally would have survived without Molly Belle. I will miss my girl more than words can describe. 15 years was not long enough!!! Rest easy over the rainbow bridge my sweet girl!!! Give Aloha, Kuuipo, Precious, Snickers, Sarge, Lovey, & Soldier a kiss from mommy!!! October 8, 2008-January 23, 202
We will never forget you boo❤️
Bailey has been a very special dog to our family. She was the sweetest animal, and very connected emotionally. She will be sorely missed.
We love you so much B!!
Ginger was our beloved border collie mix of 14 years. She lived a full and happy life, even after going blind and senile we continued to give her a great life. We will always miss her. We are thankful Angel Pets was able to make her transition easy and compassionately…as she crossed the rainbow bridge.
Thank you for the past 14 years Topher…🐾
You were the warmest hello and the toughest goodbye. From the puppy once destined to be a strong-willed guide dog to the old soul who stood by my side until the very end, we have absolutely cherished every moment we got to share with you. We grew up together and you were my constant through all
Thank you for the past 14 years Topher…🐾
You were the warmest hello and the toughest goodbye. From the puppy once destined to be a strong-willed guide dog to the old soul who stood by my side until the very end, we have absolutely cherished every moment we got to share with you. We grew up together and you were my constant through all the change in my life, good and bad. You watched me start and graduate high school, get my first job, pass my driver’s license test, experience family loss for the first time, join the Army, move out on our own to a new apartment, fall in love for the first time, buy an amazing house, experience every heartbreak with me, and most importantly… you welcomed my son into this world with me. Can you believe I was once that 7th grader more excited than anything for a new puppy when we brought you home? Look at us know big guy… Thank you for being my best friend and my everything. Thank you for all the lessons you’ve taught me and thank you for all the memories we’ve shared. Say “Hi” to Lee and the gang for us, Tokyo. We know Koda, Grover, Tanker, and everyone else welcomed you with wagging tails and all the treats last night. Take care of him for me Lee and thank you for the best 14 years I could ever ask for.
My beloved boy. Until we meet again.
Our sweet Ollie. 13 years was not enough time. We love you forever precious boy. We miss you dearly. Adopted 8/4/09 and crossed the rainbow bridge 12/3/22
We remember when we first met our precious Jack Russell in March of 2013, I was just a twelve-year old boy, at a shelter not far from home where she was little more than skin-and-bones and shy as a bird, staring at me and my parents needingly from behind her gate next to her sheltermate, a yappy Pomeranian. We asked if we could have a f
We remember when we first met our precious Jack Russell in March of 2013, I was just a twelve-year old boy, at a shelter not far from home where she was little more than skin-and-bones and shy as a bird, staring at me and my parents needingly from behind her gate next to her sheltermate, a yappy Pomeranian. We asked if we could have a few minutes of in-person time with her. Little did we know that that chance meeting would turn into more than ten years of a loving, exciting journey, as we had adopted her mere days after that first meeting, with her sitting on my lap in the backseat of the truck, nervously looking around as we drove her back to her new home with us, her new family. While it took some time and effort, she eventually showed us both the tough and energetic side to her, for she was always up to a game of chase-and-tug with her toys. So much so that we’d practically have to replace them every month or so, and her strength was always impressive, for she could hold on to her toys even after being lifted a foot off the ground! She also enjoyed chasing all the little rodents and small wildlife around our home, speeding off in less than a second with great agility, determined to catch any of the critters she found, even though she never actually managed to catch any. Her strength was enough that, when a friend of mine and I took her for a walk, she managed to down a young tree with the force she exerted through her lead! So tough was she that she always demanded to be the top dog to any dog she encountered Not even horses were exempt, as one day trip to the Eastern Shore proved! Next to chasing little critters, her favorite thing was walks. She could hear us pick up her leash and harness a floor away and would come bounding down the stairs, so excited to go. We loved watching her ears flapping, tail wagging and her bouncing in general as she walked. Sometimes, if she was particularly excited, she would get the zoomies and go sprinting off! Running around in big circles out on the lawn, or back and forth down hallways, jumping over any obstacles in her path with such grace and ease. And even after so much activity, she was still a trooper. So enduring was she that when we’d take her to local festivals, she would walk for miles and hours on end, until we were back in the car where she’d collapse right into a nap. Yet, she had also grown comfortable in showing her more playful and loving side, as it was always impossible to even try and stop her from cuddling up to anyone within range of her resting spots and using everyone as her own personal pillow without regard to what anyone was doing, leading to many impromptu snuggle and cuddle times even in the middle of the working day or while one of us was driving! She would even show this kindness to many of our friends and family; amiable to many people and never afraid to approach anyone from whom she felt she would get pets and a treat! For her unwavering love we would guarantee she too felt safe and loved whenever she was weakest, for even though she was strong, for though she was a strong and brave girl, her sole fear was harsh weather. Any time she heard thunder or harsh rain she would start pacing back-and-forth restlessly, always trying to seek out her family and assure us and herself that we were all safe; whenever she could sit, she would shiver and shake like a leaf, and none of us would hesitate to wrap her up in blankets, build little pillow forts around her, or just take her into our arms and hold her snug and close so she could feel secure. Whenever she was ill, we would do everything we could so that she had the best treatments we could afford, and made sure her at-home care was comfortable, regimented, yet always compassionate so she could be back on her feet again and ready for anything in as quick a time as possible. On a lighter note, we would always try to take her with us to as many places as we could, whether by car or by plane, whether for visiting family or just for relaxation, we would do so much planning and preparation just so that our little puppy could come with us wherever we went. She was always endlessly curious anyway, and loved traveling as much as we did for all the new sights, smells, all the new people who wanted to give her pets, and all the new treats for her to chow down on! However, even as she aged, when she slowed and grayed, there was still so much fight and so much love still in her. She would still play tug-of-war with the treats we'd give her, if given the chance, even letting herself be lifted from the ground with them still in firm hold. She was still so tough even as she no longer picked fights with bigger dogs, for she refused to shrink away from any of them, regardless of size or youth. Even as her legs began failing her and long walks she could no longer take, she would still try to find little hidey-holes for herself to crawl into, hoping to find any critters around or in them, even if it meant getting stuck in the confines of those hideaways for a time, yowling and barking to anyone to save her. She was still so friendly and loving to us and so many others even when her eyes and ears failed her and she could only recognize anyone by smell and by taste. She would still insist on using any of us as her personal pillows, and we would let her even if she ended up losing control of her bladder on us. She would never lose her love of adventure and curiosity, and never would we be without her whenever we went on a trip to parts known or unknown! She will always be precious to us. She had been with me, my family's youngest son, from when I was just a twelve-year old, all the way up till I was twenty-three, and no matter what problems my family and I may have had, she was always there for me, for all of us, with unconditional and unwavering love, even in our darkest moments. My family and I have cherished her in life, and will continue to cherish her as she lives free in the hereafter. You've been with us through thick and thin, You've been our joy in our darkest days, With our love, forever and always, 𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪 Age 17 Born – Mid-2000s Adopted – March 21st, 2013 Passed – September 10th, 2022; 2:53PM
You will always be in our hearts Alaska. We have been so blessed to have you choose us for your family for more than 13 years. Love you my chicky butt.
August 2022
My sweet Shadow girl! We miss you SO very much you just dont even know! We had you for 18 AMAZING, wonderful years. I only wish for 18 more but you were so ready to go my girl. We will not be the same without you. Thank you for being the “momma “to Devon and Zeier as they both grew up, thank you for being there through all of the deploym
My sweet Shadow girl! We miss you SO very much you just dont even know! We had you for 18 AMAZING, wonderful years. I only wish for 18 more but you were so ready to go my girl. We will not be the same without you. Thank you for being the “momma “to Devon and Zeier as they both grew up, thank you for being there through all of the deployments while daddy was gone. You were our little girl. Going to miss you “yelling “when anyone would get too rambunctious in the house, or you corralling any little ones that came over out of harm's way. I will be looking for that sign that you have made it across the rainbow bridge. See you in my dreams Shadow girl.
July 2022
Practically their whole lives my kids asked for a pet. I relented with the beta fish, the hamsters, and even once was forced to love a black lab named Jack. Growing up I had pets and never knew the responsibility was so great because my mom took care of everything. Upon relenting two years ago to my daughter who was desperate to find a pe
Practically their whole lives my kids asked for a pet. I relented with the beta fish, the hamsters, and even once was forced to love a black lab named Jack. Growing up I had pets and never knew the responsibility was so great because my mom took care of everything. Upon relenting two years ago to my daughter who was desperate to find a pet to comfort her when her sister left for college, I allowed Maelyn and Blair to convince me to rehome Pomeranian by the name of Camby. At nine years old that fluffy fox brought us immense joy. However, Camby ended up being “Blair’s “pet and became her sidekick. He joined us in every celebration. He became a daily source of joy. Little did I know when quarantined in March that Camby would become my solace and my source of joy as he and I camped out on the couch and the chair and in the grass sunning and spending time together on a daily basis. So often I think parents miss the opportunity to tell their children how right they are in situations. To my kids, you were absolutely correct in finding and loving our sweet Camby. As today marks our final day with our buddy I pray for peace for our family and comfort for the hole that fluffy fox is certainly going to leave. Thank you Dr. Mel for helping us love him unselfishly🐾💖
Ginny Corbett
You were my first dog as an adult. Ten years of pure joy is all you gave to me, and for that, I am forever grateful. Heart failure took you from me 5 yrs ago. Your quirky mannerism, the way you insisted you got things your way, your need to be next to me and touching me at all costs.. I miss those things, I miss you. You helped me throug
You were my first dog as an adult. Ten years of pure joy is all you gave to me, and for that, I am forever grateful. Heart failure took you from me 5 yrs ago. Your quirky mannerism, the way you insisted you got things your way, your need to be next to me and touching me at all costs.. I miss those things, I miss you. You helped me through some of the darkest of times, and your memories finally bring a smile to my face as i recall them. Sadness over your loss has finally turned to thankfulness for the time we had.
Gina H.
Virginia Beach
I rescued you because you were beautiful and I felt bad because you were stuck inside an apartment full of definitely had a way of getting people's attention by biting the ankles when you were hungry or wanted outside..thanks for being you and I love you and I'll miss you... lay easy and be free.
In loving memory of our beloved Tinky-cat... thank you for adopting us so long ago and giving us the honor of loving you and being your family. We miss you and love you so much . Sleep peacefully, our sweet fur baby... until we see you again. ❤
Josh, Nancy, Emory & Ben S.
It’s so hard to say goodbye to you grandson. I know it’s not forever and that we will be reunited with you one day but the physical part of you not being here is difficult to say the least. You were/are such a good boy and you touched so many lives in your time here. The amazing bond between you and your momma, you could almost swear that
It’s so hard to say goodbye to you grandson. I know it’s not forever and that we will be reunited with you one day but the physical part of you not being here is difficult to say the least. You were/are such a good boy and you touched so many lives in your time here. The amazing bond between you and your momma, you could almost swear that she had given birth to you. You made non dog loving people love you. They couldn’t help it! You loved everyone! And they all loved you! You were Charlie and we were all your angels. Now you are our angel sweet sweet boy. You live on in the hearts you touched. Rest In Peace my grandson. Until we meet again...all my love
Run Free Grace: 2008- 2020
We love you and will miss you until we see you are now with your Sister Noodles.
You will forever be our sunflower. 15 years young. Be free little guy. Oct 17 2007 - May 22 2023. -Thompson Family
Maxximus joyously raced through life collecting friends 👫 🐶 🐈 along the way. His energy & exuberance couldn't be slowed down even when doing so would have extended his time with us. We made a difficult decision to prevent a catastrophic injury. Today in our home, he quietly passed wagging his tail surrounded by me, Justin, Myla & hi
Maxximus joyously raced through life collecting friends 👫 🐶 🐈 along the way. His energy & exuberance couldn't be slowed down even when doing so would have extended his time with us. We made a difficult decision to prevent a catastrophic injury. Today in our home, he quietly passed wagging his tail surrounded by me, Justin, Myla & his newest friend Dr. Miles. He was a great dog & we did our best to give him a meaningful life. 🐾 💕
“ I just completed the VA Beach Rock n Roll Half Marathon & dedicated it to Maxximus the best running buddy! I ran with some of his ashes ☺️. It turns out running with a broken heart 💔 caused me to add 15 minutes to my normal time. I think he would still be proud. I surprised Justin at the end letting him know I ran with Maxx on last
“ I just completed the VA Beach Rock n Roll Half Marathon & dedicated it to Maxximus the best running buddy! I ran with some of his ashes ☺️. It turns out running with a broken heart 💔 caused me to add 15 minutes to my normal time. I think he would still be proud. I surprised Justin at the end letting him know I ran with Maxx on last time 🥰. He smiled wide & I may or may not (not sure if legal) have let him swim in the ocean one last time...”
Godspeed Jake! No more pain and running free! I kept my promise to you !! I'll see you on the other side!! Always in my heart!! Jake#2019
Dale P.
Jake followed daddy up the ladder one day and the fire department had to come to the rescue!
19 years of a full life lived. I watched you walk the kids to and from the school bus for years, even attempting to get on with them. Drove us crazy with your insistent 5am wake up times and the clawing under every door to be let in, but I sure will miss the sound of the bells ringing when you were ready to go outside. Sleeping under the Christmas tree every year, drinking our hot cocoa, and laying on all the wrapping paper. The kids have fought you most mornings to keep your head out of their cereal bowl, most afternoons to just stay off their homework and we haven’t been able to eat ice cream without you for years. You were a “sucker” for a good dum-dum lollipop and a good shoe string through the spindles on the steps. Every home has had boxes in random places filled with tissue paper or shipping materials so that you could hide away. You sat in things that didn’t make any sense and you drove everyone crazy with sleeping on our heads. You gave a side eye when the petting had “gone too far” and you were quick with a “pap-pap” of the paw for good warning. You laid in the middle of the street with no care in the world without moving an inch for neighbors to get in the driveways. You sat on top of our cars so that we couldn’t leave and once we returned you rolled over and over on the warm sidewalk in hopes of a good loving! Whatever it is you were doing, you were always well loved and by SO many. You didn’t know a stranger and several neighbors got to be your second, third or fourth home! You left a mark on every person that ever had the privilege to know you. We will all miss you greatly, Molly Mae.
Hatchel Family
Rest easy my Maddie Mae... we will miss you. Run free, till we meet again...
Madsen Family
Bodie was the most loving dog. She was loved by many and will missed so much. Our hearts are broken, but know you are at peace now.
Yesterday at 0954 we said goodbye to Ransom. Our handsome Ransom. When he was rescued a few years back he was in bad shape. It took us a long time to teach him how to trust again. He was a wonderful dog. Never asked for anything, was always laid back, and just happy to be in the family. He loved to be outside, just laying in the grass. Even in the pouring down rain, even when there was snow on the ground. I'm forever grateful to the amazing people of Angel Pets services. They came to the house to do the procedure so we didn't have to take him to a vet where he would of been scared and the situation would of been worse for him. The vet was amazing. She treated him to donuts and then gently put him in a deep sleep. We said our goodbyes in the comfort of our own home. Apparently this is also better for our other dogs. They understand what happened and wont be searching for him wondering where he is. He was at home surrounded by those who love him, both of the two-legged and four-legged family members. It was so hard to make the decision but it was the right choice to make for him. He was suffering and no one wants their baby to suffer. He is at peace now. It will hurt seeing his bed empty and I will miss his gentleness and the way he quietly said hello. He was always the dog who was last in line and never minded. He never begged for food or treats. And never seemed to mind if the other dogs stole his treat. He was just happy being a part of the family. We were his angels for a while... But he will be ours forever...We love you Ransom
Rodney and Kerris T.
You came into my life as a beat-up, very sick senior who I thought would only be with me a short time. The vet said you were "as old as the hills", but as you started to feel better, you certainly didn't act it. You had the spirit of a kitten and love that never quit. After being with me for over 18 months, cancer reared its ugly head and robbed you of that kittenish attitude. Yet you never lost your affection for me or the dogs, who also loved you. You were a great gift at a time I needed you. You are loved and sorely missed sweet girl.
Kathy B.
Virginia Beach
Although you've been gone for many years, you are missed and thought about every day. You took a piece of my heart with you.
Kathy B.
Virginia Beach
Daxter, from the moment you came into our lives you were pure joy, complete love, and endless source of laughter. I am so thankful that I got to be your Mom. It has been several months, but I still feel an pang of pain every time I look at that spot on the couch. Buddy, too tongue..... I love you and miss you every day, your silly antics, snoring self, wiggle butt and even the stinky farts. Thank you for your unconditional love, for being with me through so many ups and downs, so many life changes, you have been my constant. Thank you for being such a brave boy, my gorgeous baby. I love you forever....
Love mommy
Melanie C.
Virginia Beach
Yankee Doodle known well by many. She was trained as a Therapy dog, made years of visits at Marion Manor, St. Gregory the Great School, The Therapy Network, Commonwealth Senior Living, Also staying in Vermont with my father for several months when his health was failing, so many requests to have her stay at their home when we were out of town.
Sweetest Girl of my lifetime so intuitive ti everything. She loved her baby doll stuffed animals and would great anyone who came over with one.
The sweetest sound to my ears and heart was her thumping tail each morning or when you entered the room. Her favorite time was to swim, she as always attention to others swimming she thought everyone needed help and would go into action.
We had the best summer paddle boarding and spending vacations
At the lake.
My heart is broken within you my love, I know God will reward the sweetest friendliness best friend that I have ever known. Watch over Merica and we will always think of you listen to you when the chimes blow. The honey bees watched over you as to take your spirit into the sun. I love you always.
Sarah- Virginia Beach
My sweet Cody passed yesterday. He gave us 13 years of love and laughter. He was our constant companion and we will miss him immensely. He will always be in our hearts. His death was calm, peaceful and dignified. Thanks Angel Pets for helping him.
-Kathy Sievert
She was what I wanted as my college graduation present. Peter picked her out of a litter of about 12+ lab mutts. She had a little white spot on her feet, which set her apart from all the others. She whined the entire way home, and when she got home, she let Lennon know that she would not be pushed around. We instantly loved her . She loved to sit in her own little corner, away from everyone else, but she loved a good snuggle in my bed with me, and I would often find her snuggled in between my legs when I woke up in the morning in bed. She loved the snow; it energized her, and she would do zoomies every winter. Sitting in the front seat of my car would allow her to relax and release some of her tension that she always held. She loved looking out the window at robins and geese and would sprint out to chase them, but she never got one. She was the best dog to my children and the sweetest soul I've known. Rest in peace, Lily. Thank you for 16 years together. We will forever miss you, my Lilybean.
L Franza
Proudly LOCAL and military-spouse owned . Copyright © 2018-2022 Angel Pets - In Home Hospice and Euthanasia (757) 774-7040
- All Rights Reserved.
Serving Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Hampton, Newport News, Suffolk, Yorktown, James County, Moyock,currituck , and surrounding areas.